How well will i do if i sell my artwork?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Im at highschool currently and im a pretty good artist. How well is selling art go on ebay and stuff like that?
Probably not very well at all.

I'm not purposely trying to be negative or unhelpful. It's a fact.

It's like people recording their own music on YouTube. Of all the tens of thousands of people who do, how many do you ever hear of (and youtube is free). Why would anyone pay for a drawing on ebay by a random kid they've never heard of? They won't.

I have a friend who has been involved with art his whole life. He has a masters degree in Art History and still he needs to work a real job while putting on small shows some weekends to try and promote and sell his work.

To become a successful artist takes a lot of extremely hard work and, even then, the vast majority fail (even the good ones)

This doesn't mean you have no chance, it just means that you have practically no chance.