How to Transfer eBooks from iPod to Computer?


New member
Dec 14, 2011
New York
Almost all portable devices can be used as e-Readers, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Kindle Fire or other smart devices, of course, the most famous e-Reader is Kindle, which is for sure, it is designed specially for us to read eBooks, and that’s it, we barely can do other things on it, so why not choose iPod touch as your e-Reader? Because reading eBooks on iPod touch is easy, and you can do more other things on it, like watching movies or something, which hardly can be done on Kindle.

But why iPod touch? How about iPhone or iPad? Well, we all know that they are more expensive than iPod touch, so I guess iPod touch is our first choice, at least mine. However, we can’t transfer eBooks from iPod to computer or other devices, not with iTunes, what should we do when we need to? Actually, it’s easy to achieve, what we need is a good third-party software.
After figuring out what to do, the next thing is to choose a best tool, there are a bunch of programs out there if you just Google it, they all appear to do similar things and make similar claims, so how do we decide which one offers the best combination of features, speed, and price? Lucky you, there is no need to try a dozens of software, because I have done the work for you. After all the tests about so many gadgets, finally some of them can do the good job, which is this ipod to computer transfer, it is different from other software because of its new function, it can copy purchased songs/movies/podcasts/eBooks from iPod to computer. Now we should begin to learn how to transfer eBooks from iPod to computer?
Step 1: Start the software and then connect your iPod touch to PC via USB cable. Wait for a few minutes till your iPod have been detected by the program.
Step 2: You will find an ic on called "Books" on the left pane, click it and the purchased books will be appeared on the main interface, select the books that you want to copy to PC by ticking the boxes next to file names.
Step 3: Click “add” button to start copying. After your books have been properly copied to computer, it may take a few minutes to finish the file transfer.
This is just a litter trick to tell you how to make the most of your iPod, because iTunes can’t help you with that, so we need to find another way, the same with iPad, if you have an iPad 2, when you need to backup all your files in your iPad, you need to know how to sync ipad 2 to computer, then no matter what you have in your iPad 2, there is no problem to transfer them to your computer or other devices.