How to tell my future father in law that I basically have no future...


May 21, 2008
...because I got in trouble with the law? I made a bad choice and now I must pay for it for the rest of my life. I had a great plan with a great future ahead of me and I ruined it for marijuana. I know I am an idiot. I already did 4 months in jail for it and on probation now. I learned my lesson and I will never smoke again if that even means anything. I have been so depressed about this and I really do hate myself for it. I even attempted suicide because of this felony because I rather die than live with this hate towards myself. My mom found me not breathing on the ground and called the ambulance and I was saved at the hospital. My girlfriends parents want to know whats going on with me and why I did this to myself. I just can't live with this. Society will always look at me as scum because now I am a felon. I was planning on going into the military with an associates degree that I obtained in Engineering and was planning on getting my bachelors in Electrical Engineering in the military and become an officer. All my dreams are crushed. I lost everything and hope. I lost my job. I lost my future. Now I cant survive on my own because I cant get a job even at a grocery store because of a background check and I am now forced to live with my mom again at 24 years old. So now I must tell my future parents in laws about this and probably will lose my first love of 8 years as well. I am a good person. I just liked to smoke weed and in Florida if you have over 20 grams on weed it's a felony. I had an ounce. Second chances arent given to felons.