How to reset Hamsterz Life for DS ?


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Planning on selling Hamsterz Life for DS (with my DSi), and I was going through all my games, deleting everything I had done off them for the person who I'd sell it too, and then I came across Hamsterz Life.
I turned my DS on, waited for it to load, and then remembered that the menu only said 'Start' and 'Continue'.
If you click start, it begins a new game. If you click continue, it continues with your old game. I can't find any way to delete my old game, except by clicking start, but then I'd have to name the new account and get a hamster before I could save it and delete my other account, and then it still wouldn't be a new game for the person who buys it.
Does anyone know how to reset it?
If you check the instruction manual, it might have a button combination at the title screen or when you start the game to erase it. Unfourtunately, some games lack this (or it's simply never known).

As logn as you're able to make a new game, I don't think many people will care