How to raise my fitness and flexability?


New member
Oct 6, 2010
I'm going for a tournament at the end of the month in martial arts and I need to raise my fitness levels a bit as far as I'm concerned. I already do swimming, horse riding, PE at school and 3 hours of the martial art each week, and i can get my leg above my head. My diet isn't too bad - I sometimes eat a lot one day and minimum amount of food without being hungry the next. My only proper problem is that my knee sometimes collapses, but a knee support and ice spray often does the trick.

Any ideas for raising my fitness anymore?

Other Info: I'm not allowed out on my own, I'm a young teenage girl and my parents work full time so it's hard to get out of the house. There is also an extra session on a Friday, Wednesday and Thursday, but Thursday is for younger people and doing the extra one on Friday would mean 2 1/2 hours then 1 hour of swimming and 1 hour of horse riding the next day.