How to mend a relationship with sister....or should she?


May 12, 2008
Recently, my girlfriends older sister and she has had a huge falling out. This has been ongoing for many years and has been a very upsetting thing for her. It has spilled over to their grown children and many of them have decided to pretty much call it quits as far as sharing family activities together. The way I see it, my gal has always given in to keep the peace, and eventually another situation or episode would come up and the battle would be on again. I don't feel that her sister comes from a loving place....and is competitive and controlling. They recently had a sit-down and it did not go well at all, and my gal left in tears. Right now they are not talking. My question is the older sisters birthday is coming up, and my gal is not sure if she wants to send her a birthday card, because she cant find one that truly would say the words as to how she feels. Should she send a card?....or maybe sending nothing would deliver a message that should have been delivered a long time ago? Any advice on this situation could really help....thank you in advance for your time.