How to make my boyfriend stop smoking weed?


May 25, 2008
okay he's 22 years old turning 23 in may hes been smoking weed since he was 14. I mean I know weed isn't bad for you. But seriously he's getting more stupid by the day and his friends come over and smoke. He's got his medical marijuana card and so does his friends and he always blames his ankle for smoking. Like he smokes probably 5 times a day and he smokes a quarter every week! He gets irritated if he doesn't have his weed. I mean seriously I cant take it! I want him to quit but he said its just like my cig. I been smoking cigarettes for 11 years ya its going to kill me sooner but that's my choice at least my cigarettes dint make me dumb! and just say stupid shit every now and then and fall asleep while having a conversation with me.

Im seriously need someone to tell me what to do to make him stop! I tried everything in the book.. saying I will have sex with you more, give you special gifts, go out more but then he says its too expensive! ugh.. I need help has anyone actually sussed getting there boyfriend to smoke weed. I want have kids and he keeps smoking kills his sperm! and makes him stupid! I rather him smoke more cigs then smoke weed.