How to lower upload seep in torrents?


May 22, 2008
Is there a way I can stop uploading and download more or is uploading good, if it is please explain
or do you just have to upload because that how bit torrent works?
Well I don't know if the bit torrent client is that much different than what I use, utorrent, but you should be able to slow down the upload speed by:

1. Right clicking the torrent that is downloading
2. Hover over "Bandwidth allocation"
3. Then hover over "set upload limit"
4. Then just choose your desired upload speed limit.

I always set it to upload at a max of 5-10 KBps because of my connection personally. I'm one of those who download from torrent but doesn't bother sharing back. You could consider uploading at max speed good if you're fine with it.