How to Kill Annoying Bird

There was one in a tree outside my window last week. Now there's feather and paint all in my yard.
Hire An Attack Rooster, Put it outside your window. Then Video it So you can re-live your victory over and over.
Drown it, shoot it in the head with a bb gun, or pour gas on it, light it, and let it fly away, etc.
You must have some horrible airsoft and guns.

Shot and Shot to kill, enough said. I have killed a racoon with my gun, I think you can kill a damn bird. Racoon was like 10ft away and he looked right at me and I dropped one in his eye.

"He was eating all the plants in the area and digger up the flowers." The funny part is, I told my neighbor it, 'feel out of the tree' last night and he said... 'I hope with a pink or orange mohawk!'
Srsly, a pbgun will take down a bird, also pour bleach where it keeps going, maybe it will drink it.
ok guys the bird has been gone but come on its a bird one shot at it and it flew away i hit it in the wing a couple of times and after that i never saw it again