How to introduce 2 bunnies to eachother?


New member
Sep 16, 2011
I have 2 bunnies. I kept them seperate for 4 months because one was a girl and the other was a boy and they were too young for neutering/spaying. I found out that yesterday the girl was actually a boy. Now I have 2 boys and they are also brothers. So they are two un-neutered male brother bunnies. Okay so today I introduced them and they humped. I don't think they realized that the other one was a boy and just liked to hump everything in sight. They both have a history or humping things so they just hump what's in sight now but it's wrong to have 2 males hump and THEY'RE BROTHERS. What's the proper way to introduce them? And can bunnies tell the difference between male and female bunnies or do they just hump whatever they desire? Please help and no stupid answers like "You have some gay bunnies" or "That's really sick" or whatever. GOOD ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!
Or should I just introduce them after they get neutered???
**BTW they are 5 months old and got them at 5 weeks
And they weren't even humping in the same spot. One was on the other humping the top of the back facing the wrong way...???
I meant to say "They weren't even humping in the RIGHT spot"