How to interpret what office wrote on speeding ticket?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Recently I got a speeding ticket in Oceanside, CA, on Oceanside Blvd. on the stretch of road through the El Corazon area. It was a partly sunny day, clear visibility on an open road. There was no traffic (though I don't remember if I was absolutely the only one on the road during that stretch of road.)

Traffic ticket VC 22349 (a)The officer wrote In the row of boxes: Speed Approx.">70", P.E./Max.spd. "55" Veh Limit "65" Safe "65 Radar "69". Verbally he told me he clocked me at 65, peaking at 69 using a laser.

When he asked if I knew the posted limit and how fast I was going and if I was in a hurry., I said I wasn't exactly sure of the posted limit, but thought it was about 50 mph and I said that I didn't think I was speeding, and was not in a hurry. I said that I just go with the flow of traffic and don't look down at the speedometer frequently, so did not see exactly what my speed was at the time. He commented that I was the only one on the road.

On the ticket he wrote: "Cloudy Day, traffic light.

Are there some inconsistencies on this ticket that you see? How can the approx . speed by >70 when the other box says Radar 69.

Would this ticket be considered 15 over the limit,? The court clerk said the fine is $235, or $287 if I go to traffic school (plus payment to the school).

Please comment and clarify what's on the ticket, what you think about the officer's verbal comments, and any additional info you can give me about the amount of the fine.

Also, Does Safe "65" mean that it would be legal to drive 65 in that location (assuming good weather and light traffic).