How to get older free fed cats on a feeding schedule?


New member
Sep 23, 2011
I've tried and tried and it isn't happening. One constantly screams and pees on furniture and handbags when we don't immediately obey (it's definitely not a medical thing-she's been checked and only does it when she's mad and will literally make sure we're looking and spray pee everywhere) and neither will eat enough if they're only fed a few times. They're raw fed and we can't leave the bowl out for one, and another thing is the dog gets into it eventually despite our best efforts since we constantly (and I mean several times per hour) have to feed them. I make their food from organic whole deboned purreed chickens and premium human vitamins and it's very expensive and time consuming to prepare, so the dog thing is a big issue. She gets her own homemade food made with beef but still wants to demolish theirs of course. They are 15 and 16 years old and were free fed on kibble most of their lives. Raw has been the best thing ever for them but they can't get used to not being able to graze