How to get my puppy to stop whining for me?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Like when I keep him in my room so I can do something that keeps my attentions from him cuz if he's roaming around I don't want him to have an accident how do I stop the whining and destruction hes a 3 month old gsd

With puppies the whining will soon subsite if you ignore it. When they learn it provokes a response thats when its harder to get rid of but if you ignore it right off it will stop.
You can also try giving it entertainment - kongs, food toys, soft toys, chew toys etc can all provide entertainment whilst you are out of the room.
Try leaving for 10 secs, then building it up so he learns you always come back - if he wines, wait until he stops.

The key really is to put time in to toilet training. Play pen/Crate training is really helpful here as the puppy learns that this is their safe spot. I think the best thing in this case for you is just to be more vigilent with potty training. If you take out your pup at least once an hour, after eating, sleeping and playing it will soon get the hang of toileting outdoors. When the pup has gone to the toilet let it out for a while as a reward. After a little bit put it back in the pen and repeat this. If you are consistent then your pup will be toilet trained in no time and will be able to join you in the house.

For more info on toilet training this way look at It also has info on good toys etc.

I trained my pup this way and she was toilet trained in just over a week. She used to whine but this stops pretty quickly and also helped after I began using a play pen instead of a crate. Good luck :)
mine is 3 months old too, and you just have to ignore them. they will stop whining eventually, but only keep them alone for a little while, puppies need to play. if i am going to leave the room, it's only for about 20 minutes, and i keep my girl in her crate, and she whines, but she needs to learn her crate is her home!