How to get my 1/2 Siamese Kitty to calm down a little. He is wayy to hyper, lol.?


New member
Jul 22, 2009
He is 1/2 Siamese we are not sure what the other half is but we think tabby because he has some stripes. He is about 2 and we have had him a year and a half. He was fine for the first 6 months we had him but now there is no end to his energy. He runs around at all hours of the night making noise, he scratches and nips people in a playful way but it kind of hurts, he jumps onto counters and tables, and he has recked blankets, table clothes and a leather chair by jumping onto them and landing on his claws. We have tried spraying him with a water bottle, at first it bothered him but now he just ignores it lol. We love him to bits and pieces but it would be nice if we could get him to calm down just a little bit. Oh and by the way he is neutered or spayed, what ever you call fixing a male cat. Thanks in advance!
He is also VERY vocal. For no reason he will just walk through the house meowing even if he has food water and just got some attention.