How to get a girl interested in me I haven't hooked up with in months?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I'm in college and hooked up with a girl a few times several months ago. We haven't done anything since even though I think she was interested in me a month or so ago (I don't know what she thinks now though). How do I go about getting her interested in me again and show I'm interested in her after all this time? She sometimes hangs out with me and my friends on the weekends but always texts my friend who she knows from class instead of me when she meets up with us. I get mixed signals from her and don't know how to let her know I'm interested in her or show that I would want to initiate something again. I feel like I'm running out of time. What should I do to get it started again? Tell her I'm interested? Flirt? Or what?