How To Fix an Itouch with Water Damage?


May 23, 2008
I have put it in rice already. The only thing that doesn't work is the touch screen. The touch screen has worked for like 5 seconds twice over the course of a week. I did charge it a bit when there was water it to back up and update OS before I remembered that it could fry it.
I got water in the screen twice before and I just charged it for a day (got hot) and it worked but I haven't charged it like that because I was worried it would fry it.

PLEASE I need a way to fix this I have my Drivers Ed time recorded on it.
I tried using a blow dryer right away. Oven top rack with just the pilot light on for 3 days because it was dry so i thought it would help it and it was in the rice for about 2 days.
NEVER HEAT AN IPOD!!!! I CAN-NOT put this point across ANY CLEARER! The water inside may have evaporated and permanently damaged the inner components because it has nowhere to go, especially so with the touch screen. You may have caused permanent damage to your iPod, but I cannot examine it as I am not there. I hope things turn out for the better and if you wind up getting a replacement, here are a couple tips:

To avoid water damage, purchase a water-proof case. It is worth the money and is a good investment.

If your iPod gets wet again, IMMEDIATELY: turn it off, put it in rice for 3+ days, take it out after the third day and experimentally charge it. If it begins to feel hot to the touch, immediately disconnect it, make sure it is off and put it back in the rice and try it every day after that.