How to download data from my Samsung 3 phone to computer and how to improve the...


Feb 12, 2008
16's speed? I downloaded lots of music to my S3 phone through various programs, however as soon as I connect my phone to the computer, all the files look as if they are empty and I don't find the music anywhere. As a matter of fact, all the files (even not music ones) look empty.

Does anybody have some advice on how I can make the music visible so I can download it to my computer?

Also, over the last few months, the reaction speed of the phone has decreased. It now takes several seconds before opening anything from the moment I touch the icon. Is there a way to improve the speed? I've already deleted unused applications but it hasn't changed anything....

Thank you!
when you plug your phone into the computer go to it through start>computer> then there should be an option for phone or card. check both places for your music. i have the 32gb from sprint and was surprised when i saw how they did that. i don't like it or understand why they did it that way but they did and we're stuck with it for now. as for your phone speed, i would recommend clearing the cache and app data. also, if you don't already have it, there is an app called advanced task killer. search the market for "ATK" it will be the one by "RECHILD". it will kill most background apps that you may not even know are running which will help your phone run faster and help your battery last longer.