how to deal with rumours - do rumours go away?


New member
May 3, 2013
to those who have read my previous questions im getting some help now with my issues. this is about something else at school - a rumour about me. what people are saying I have done is rude and never happened. will the rumour go away? plz help
im in high school too and im beginning to hate school again now :-( its just one thing after another with school....
Yeah... it'll go away.

Nice thing about being talked about is it gets you instant attention but the bad thing about it is that you never get talked about for very long. It's like 15 minutes of fame because people get bored and will find you uninteresting and pretty soon they'll have to talk about someone else and there's ALWAYS someone, somewhere doing something which people can lie about. So enjoy your 15 minutes while it lasts, okay?
here imagine this: someone in your school who you dont know has done something ebarassing and it gets spread round school and you end up hearing about this story. how long is it before you forget about that rumour? not long i imagine. this is the reality, people remember the things about themselfes but not things that dont involve them. they are quick to forget something that they dont have a part of. it will soon be "old news" and the rumour will be forgotten about within a few days.
Two things.

Bullies get bored when ignored, often moving on. It's about school the most harsh environment young people may ever survive.

To quote my GF, "One can never satisfy a nasty dog by feeding it, but one certainly alerts it to the food source."

Gossip is the food of the ignorant.