how to copy a video dvd?


New member
Feb 19, 2013
i had a video dvd and i only copy the videos icons and leave other files associate with that. then i copy that icons on a blank dvd. then i play it in my computer, it works but in my dvd machine it is not working ........ so what is the actual problem???? and how i can avoid that
Hi Soumya sankar ...Actually Dvd consists of video files and associate supporting files. These supporting files are NOT NECESSARY when you are using in the PC/Computer. But when came to DVD player these supporting files are NECESSARY to play. Make the dvd again including the all supporting files and then see.......

And also main thing is the writing speed of DVD is also important...check it once. it should be below 52x....why because of some players cant read the data written with more speed. Make sure all is good ............then enjoy the playing..........