How to convince my parents to let me get a VW van?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I really want a vw westfalia (think 1970's), I'm planning on saving up my money and buying one for myself. I talked to my parents about it, and my dad said no since that's my sisters dreamcar. I've always liked the car too, she just expressed it more in front of everyone, and my dad says that since she wants it, I can't have it. He also said there's 2 cars i'm not allowed to get: that car, and a 67' firebird (since that's a car that HE has already) my sister's 15, and my parents think I'm just doing it to copy her, but want the car for myself, I could care less what she wants! I've wanted one for a long time, but they're against it for that sole reason, I have 2 grand, and the car is 5 grand, so in a couple of months I might have enough saved up for it.

I'm 16 btw, and I know that this kind of car isn't everyone's first car, but I really really want it! I need them to agree because insurance it outrageous for 16 year old males, and it's likely I'll need to go under my parents insurance. I'll likely be 17 when I get the car. What should I do?? How can I show my parents I'm not copying my sister, but I genuinely want the car for myself?
Then act like a man and just let it go no more whining no more woe is me. stop worrying find a car that the women like and you will always have a car full when needed on a Friday night. There are plenty of other cars put your vw van on the back burner you have your whole life ahead of you so what is the big deal eh?
Life aint fair get used to it. Those busses are air cooled slow as hell and they take a lot of maintenance and have tons of electrical problems as well. Believe it or not your dad is doing you a favor because those older buses took a lot of tinkering to keep them running. I burned up a couple of them a bus and a vw bug I blew the engine on both.