How to convince my parents into letting me get a BlackBerry Curve?? 12 years...

Well this post realates to me im 11 nd im turn 12 in like a week and my dad said he will get me a new phone for my birthday and i want a blackberry. EVERYONE in my school has it even 5th grades!!!

ik what you mean, im 12 and i want the curve so bad! im willing to do anything for it. my dad says its fine but my mom isnt so easy to break because she doesnt beleive in technology.. -.- ik sucks... anyways my answer to this question is: try as hard as you can to get to your dad cause chances are that he will give in eventually because, well, dads are softer when it comes to what their daughter wants. try writing a complex essay on why you need the blackberry use different words than you usually do because parents get impressed with kids that have good vocabulary.

Good Luck! :D
im sooo with u all my frnds have a bb and im dying to go on bbm evry1 is lyk omg bbm roks n at skwl the next day theyre all talking bwt the juicy convo on bbm last nyt!! :(
It sux i need 1 n my parents r lyk wat do u want with a bb. well i wanna b in with the crowd n yes i may jst b in 7 grade n 12 but i c y not i hve been trying sooooo hard 2 make comproses but it hopeless
hey, i am convincing my parents too. I'm from the uk, and all you need to do is be well behaved and do what youre told and mention how you'd love a blackberry. Dont nag, or your parents will get angry and annoyed. Be prepared for a NO, and accept the fact youre parents might not want you to have one. Dont kick a fight, just wait until youre older.
To convince them, dont mention it too much. Help with chores, be polite, and for your next bday ask everyone for just a small amount of money and it will soon add up to the cost of buying a blackberry. Ask to pay it yourself, but DONT NAG THEM!!!!!!!!
Also, know the knowledge of the blackberry to show your parents ho dedicated you are into getting one.
okk. so I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a blackberry curve with BBM. i have t mobile & i'm like dieing for one!!!:( i'm also 12 years old and i am going to 7th grade!!! so i don't know how to convince them!!!!! my dad is always like "it costs TOO much" :mad: and i always BEG for one!!!!! how do i convince them?? AND BTW I am not spoiled cause i never ask for stuff. so HOW !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?:confused:
i am elleven and i already have a blackberry its not tht bad to have one early
Omg i fell ur pain! i'm 12 and i would like a bb curve but my mum wont let me!!! ALL of my friends have one. Any horrible comments don't bother me i just say to those haters get. A. Life!!! if you don't like it why bother reading it anyway?? Us girls would like a good phone you know!!! :p
im 12 and im almost 13 and i really want a bb cos i luv them and everyone at school uses bbm. but my mum hates them so she wont get me one. and im skint so i cant get myself one.
when is the bb curve 9360 coming out in the us? (im in the uk)
I am in the same postion as you i am trying to get a blackberry but i would just like to say that even though some people think its 2 exspensive for a 12 year old (i am a year older than you) that we do know what work is i work for my money and i am paying for blackberry i just need my mum and dads permission and maybe she couldn't string a setance along but maybe she has trouble with spelling like me and saying shes a stupid jew is really racist and your the bitch for swearing when you don't need to think you don't know the whole story so fuck you and if someones gonna reply don't give me all that crap about this is no way for a 13 year old to speak we learn it from you.
I am in the same postion as you i am trying to get a blackberry but i would just like to say that even though some people think its 2 exspensive for a 12 year old (i am a year older than you) that we do know what work is i work for my money and i am paying for blackberry i just need my mum and dads permission and maybe she couldn't string a setance along but maybe she has trouble with spelling like me and saying shes a stupid jew is really racist and your the bitch for swearing when you don't need to think you don't know the whole story so fuck you and if someones gonna reply don't give me all that crap about this is no way for a 13 year old to speak we learn it from you.
I'm thirteen and I'm in year 9 (8th grade for you guys in the US) , here in London they're really popular too, I want the Blackberry Curve 9300 but it's expensive and my parents said it'll distract me -__- No one replies to texts anymore because they're always using BBM which is really annoying and my friends who aren't on facebook all have blackberries.

I feel your pain guys! >_<
yh imma english girl and i kinda understand what ur going through with the whole bb thingy, but i bet you could get anything u wanted and ur upset about not gettin a bb , as much as i want one 2 i have to just get over it and go on with life . Maybe if u do more chores and stuff then u can get one but if ur just gonna sit ther a do nothing then kss ur dreams of a bb away !!!
Gurl i`m 11 and i want a bb as well. If you want your parents to get you a BlackBerry you need to save money and sacfice something for it. Maybe your allowance and tell them why you need them. if they say no show them that u can handle it
Why would you get a BB? They're pieces of shit, honest shit. You get tied down to unresonable data plans, and none of my friends have blackberry's.. I have a HTC Sensation XL and most of my friends have Samsung Galaxy S', iPhone's and HTC's, so quit yo wining!

u should get 1 i really want 1 but my parents said no cause bullying too bad u get 2 talk 2 ur friendz on bbm
i wanna fucking bb fuck fuckedy fuckedy fuck fucking fuckedy fuck shit face