How to convince my aunt and uncle that i am responsible enough to be given


May 24, 2008
thier 2006 c230 Mercedes Benz ? I am 17 and my aunt and uncle owns 3 cars. They never drive the benz anymore, how can I convince them that I'm responsible enough to own their it
STEP 1: Dont listen to the other "Haters" on yahoo answers. They're just mad they cant afford Bus fares, let alone a car. Lol

STEP 2: Dig into some information on C-Class Mercedes Benzes. impress them on by what you know about them, and dont depend on them when its time to pay for insurance, gas, & maintenance. Hold your own, and they willl hold you down with the car. Plus you can ask for it as a Birthday or Christmas gift. =)
Buy it from them and pay for everything yourself.
The fact your asking this Q, tells me that you ARE NOT mature enough to do it.