How to connect my XBOX 360 to my PC?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I use a USB 3G modem to connect to the internet on my PC. If I use a straight-LAN cable to connect my Xbox to my PC while the PC is connected, will the XBOX pick up the connection? If not, how can I connect my Xbox to the internet without actually going out and buying a router etc. If it makes a difference I use Windows 7 and it's an Xbox elite. Thanks in advance.
If I buy a router will I be able to connect it through the 3G if both the PC and XBOX are connected to the router?
you can't because the xbox modem is SI so you have to connect it directly to xbox or buy a router.
you also can wait for hacking team so maybe they will be able to change the SI into nonSI somehow but i doubt that.
this has always been a bitch for me. sitting them right next to each other can interfere with the wireless. ive been recommended to buy whats called a "crossover cable". looks like an ethernet but somethings switched in side. ive never gotten ethernet cables to work between the two.