how to connect a vhs to dvd home theater with twin hd recorder 3d blue-ray combo?


New member
Jun 10, 2013
no where to put white,yellow and red jacks on tv or dvd recorder,tv or dvd home theatre all connected up.want to use vhs as well.
any other way of doing this
If there is an s-video input, the composite signal (yellow RCA plug) is very similar/compatible with this. You can find an adapter online easily and low cost from a source like amazon. It will have electronics built in (not just a cable with different terminations). I recommend one that needs power, even though it's not necessary. This will provide a stronger signal, less susceptible to signal degradation or interference. If you do not have s-video input, there are similar adapters that cost a little more but make higher technology outputs. Still, especially with these, I recommend a powered unit with good reviews. If you find what you are looking for and it's $0.01 plus two bucks shipping, you'll get a product that is worth $0.01 plus two bucks shipping. Good luck