How to become a better creative writer?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I'm a poet but want to develop my skills further. Aside from the obvious (reading, writing, college courses, healthy diet, limiting television and internet) what could I do to further my skills?

What are some things that you have done?
I like to expand my vocabulary wider then put myself through the type of experience I'd want to write about. :)
Aside from writing every day, which will make you a better writer, and reading good books and poetry which will do the same, try this:
At any given time of day, pause your mind for a moment and look around and think to yourself, "How could I describe this?" Practice in your mind describing things, people, settings or events. Use all your senses, go over the top.
Carry a notebook with you too in case you really compose something good.
Hope that helps.