how to be polite with complaining customers?


New member
Jan 8, 2012
What is the best way to deal with a customer who is complaining and won't listen that you can not bend the rules for them.
examples,your card does not work and I can not make it work.
You did not buy the items on the coupon and I do not want to commit fraud and get fired for taking your coupons.
I have no input on the price on the shelf.
If I ask a question it for a reason.
What is the best way to make a person come out of such a experience smiling.
The first thing you have to do is stay cool, calm and if appropriate, smile. Then you just LISTEN to them without interupting them.
Then you acknowledge their points, "Yes, I understand how frustrating that is." or "I don't blame you for being upset." "I am sorry you feel that way."
Then you offer solutions, and use the words solution or solve. "We can solve this by..."

Use their name (if you see it on the card)
Here are some phrases that might work...
"Mr. Smith, I understand it's frustrating for you. I wish I could complete this transaction with this card but it is not working and I have no way of making it work." Then offer a solution. "We can complete the transaction if you have another card or another method of payment." Then see if you can get them to agree or offer input, like, "Do you have another method of payment with you or how would you like to solve this?"

Wrong coupon - "Oops, it looks like we have the wrong coupon. There is no item that matches this coupon among your purchases." If they insist, you can say, "I wish I could use any coupon for any item, but unfortunately I can only enter the coupon if the item is rung up. We do have this item in aisle 4, would you like to get it before I complete your transaction?"

Price on the shelf, "I understand that you feel this price is too high for this item. I wish I had the authority to change the prices, but I don't! Do you still with to purchase it?

When you ask a question, you can tell them why you are asking. "Mr. Smith, did you find this in the sale bin? I am asking because all the items in our sale bin have an orange tag on it. It appears someone put this in the sale bin when it should be in aisle 2. I apologize for the confusion. Do you still wish to purchase it?"

Most people do respond positively when you LISTEN, display understanding and then offer a solution. There are the 2% of customers who will never be happy or satisfied no matter what you do or say. If they continue to rant you can always say, "I am sorry that I cannot resolve this for you, would you like to speak with our manager?"

Good luck!
Acknowledge them. Tell them the truth. Check the receipt for the product (the facts) and let them that if they were to purchase the product the correct way, the coupon would be honored.

As for the credit card that does not work, is it because the magnetic strip does not work or that the credit card was declined. If the latter were the case, then show the customer the receipt. Proof helps.

Do it with a smile and let them know that you will do your best to help them in hte future. It is unfortunate that the store rules are as they are and that you are sorry that at the time, it is the best that can be done in this situation.
With regards to their card not working............I always let them know very quietly, usually by turning MY screen around to show them that it has been declined...........we try it again and if it still does not work, ask if they have another method of payment, cash another card etc................

We had this woman lose the plot as her check was declined by HER bank.............they told us to NOT take her check period......turns out the account was closed and she well knew that but still kicked off regarding the check and we HAD to take it etc etc.

Hun just accept that you can NOT fix stupid and your life will be a lot for the coupons do you ask for them BEFORE you ring the stuff up, if you do then you can check the coupons against what you are ringing up.............if the item is not there then you can NOT accept it, but often times I have had them say the item is NOT there when I know full well it the machine is NOT always right.

The ones to watch are the ones that is buy one get one free, again if you have it to hand BEFORE you start ringing up you will be able to have the correct amount to ring in..............