how to avoid roaming charges while on a cruise?


May 31, 2008
Im going on a cruise tomorrow. Was wondering if anyone had an answer for me. I would like to use my phone as a camera and to listen to downloaded music. If my phone is on airplane mode am I protected??
It doesnt matter where in the world you are, if your phone is on airplane mode, it will not receive or send any type of data. The reason is because if that were to happen on a airplane it would mess with the systems and such.
I myself have been on a cruise and know that you dont get charged, along as your phone is defiantly set by the time you leave the port.
Wifi can be used on the cruise ship if you really want it, but the prices are absolutely ridiculous.
Listening to music and taking photos however does not require 3G or WiFi, it just depends how much control you have over checking facebook!

Have a great cruise! :)
You are absolutely safe and protected only if you put your mobile in FLIGHT MODE.

In that mode, you cannot access, Bluetooth, Wifi, Mobile phone signal etc. However, you are allowed to use camera, video camera, music.

I did the same.
