How to argue against this topic regarding universal health care? help please?


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Need help arguing against this universal health care topic? please help?
Topic: Patients with pre-existing conditions can still get health coverage.

Team I'm debating against claim:

One of the biggest weaknesses of our current health care systems is that patients with a past or current medical condition such as cancer or asthma often cannot obtain affordable health coverage. Some insurance companies won't even give a policy to such individuals, or if they do, they will cover everything BUT their past diagnosed conditions. Anyone with an expensive illness or disease must then often face one of two choices: use up all their own money, or leave the condition untreated. In a universal system, no one with a pre-existing condition would be denied coverage. People could change jobs without fearing the loss of health insurance.

How do I argue against this and list cons and statistics and such. I don't wanna screw up and I couldn't find any legitimate answers so far and I really need help.

Note: couldn't find anything to argue against this...:(