How to Apply For Jobs Without a Cell Phone or Home Phone?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Since school ended last month, I wanted to get a summer job to save up for a car. (Going to college after next summer.) The only problem is that I had no cell phone. My parents cannot afford to get me a cell phone and they wont allow me to use their credit or debit card to buy a cricket phone online. (Even though I said I'll pay them back with my Christmas money.)

I decided that the next best thing was to get a debit card from the bank (So I can use that to buy a cheap cricket phone online.), but I found out that my dad closed my savings account and stole all my money from it. (He claimed that I don't even need a savings account, despite turning 18 this year) I managed to convince my mom and dad to open it again, but I doubt they will let me open a debit card. (And he does not have a car to drive me to the bank. Both my parents work in the same shop, so they go togethor.) And I cant drive myself to the bank since I don't have a drivers liscense yet.

A month passed already and I still don't know what to do. I don't want to waste this summer by literally doing nothing. And if I try to apply for jobs, they have no way of contacting with me at all. (Don't say email and such. I doubt that fast food places contacts job applicants that way.)

I don't have any friends that lives close to me to use theirs and I don't have any brothers or sisters to use their phones. How exactly can I apply for jobs (if it's not to late already) without a cell phone or a home phone?

If anyone can help me out, Ill greatly appreciate it.
That is the only way to get in touch with you is by email. Also go to this website 100% legitament