how tall will i be, prediction please?


Feb 28, 2008
hey, i am 16 years old. i currently stand at around 5'5 -5'6 even more on a good day.

ive always had problems with height, well ive always been quite small, then id suddenly shoot up to around average.. then drag behind again. this is my height pattern throughout my puberty life:

12 - 4'8
13 - 4'10/11
14 - 5'1-5'2
15- 5'3-5'5
16 - 5'5-5'6 ( i have only just turned 16 )

my father is 5'8 and my mum is 5'3 maybe 5'4.

could anyone please try to predict my height? thanks.
Predictions would not be anywhere near accurate.
Genetics rule - you cannot re-program genetics.
You cannot MAKE yourself grow taller.
You will not finish puberty until at least age 21 - or later.
More growth could be headed your way - nobody knows for sure.
You just have to be patient & wait to see what all develops.