how should I greet my boyfriends family?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Im kind of Nervous about meeting my boyfriends family for the first time. I want to make a good impression especially on his mom and his younger sisters. Im not very outgoing. So im usually the not the first to say hello when I meet someone. My bf was telling me he might take me home with him the other day and he said If we run into anyone in his house that I havent met before to say hi to them first. He says they act funny about when people come into their house and dont say hello. Im a bit shy and dont mean to be, Im usually used to coming into someone elses house and they are the ones to greet me first same as if someone came to my house. How should I go about this? Im not used to taking the initiative when it comes to greeting people. Please can someone give me some tips. I dont want to go unprepared I feel like if I prepare ill feel a bit less nervous about it and will leave a better impression. So how do I take the initiative and greet them first? Thanks!
Stop over-thinking things. You sound really self conscious for no good reason. Just smile and say hello. Shake their hands when you meet them if it seems appropriate to do so or give a small wave. There's nothing wrong with being shy or introverted but you should still know how to introduce yourself and make a tiny bit of small talk because some people will mistake your shyness for attitude/being snobby.

Small talk examples:
-talk about the weather - everyone has something to say about it
-compliment them on their home
-compliment someone on something they're wearing
-say something about something is doing/holding/carrying ("Oh, what book is that, it looks interesting?")
-bring up something you heard in the news/radio/a movie or show you watched recently. "Hey, did anyone hear about Kim Kardashian getting divorced?" "How about those Jets?" etc.

If you are having dinner with his family, offer to help set the table, prepare something or do the dishes with your boyfriend after the meal. It's just good manners and will help to make a good impression on his mom.