How old were you when you....?

im not old enough to drive yet =( But im getting my permit right when i turn 15 and driving when im 16. I am so excited! Its weird because my brother is 16 and he doesn't have a licence or a permit, he has no interest. Im like the opposite! anyway have fun driving! But be careful!
tip: Don't talk on the phone, or text!! Especially if your a new driver.
I was 16 when I got my permit and 17 when I got my licence. This was in NY. My tip for you is to be nice (but not too nice) to the person giving you your drivers test.
hmm well here in the great state of california.

i wassss....hmmm.. late 15 when i got my permit and middle or so 16 when i got my license.

for the new driver:

have fun!! it was like being handed a freedom ticket!

but dont drive with ppl until your first year.

(but who follows that rule eh?)


and dont think that you own the road.

but overall..enjoy it!