How much will it cost (approximately) to repair this dent in my car? Picture...


May 17, 2008
...included!? This dent was caused by a shopping cart in a storm, and since I have liability-only insurance I'll have to pay for the repair myself.

I'll have to save up for the repair; how much do you think the repair, about $100 the actually cost, will cost?
***I didn't know the link from my email was private and wouldn't work. Here is another link, let me know if this one (fingers crossed) doesn't work either! hahah. It should be fine because this accout isn't private.!/crodes_tehehe/status/195304015293194240/photo/1

Thanks so much, everyone!!!
dam which dent? The fender or on the door. Your better off buying a aftermarket fender from a crash part store or online and paying them to paint it and put it on for you, and see how much it would be to do the door since they have to blend the paint anyway to the door. Id say 650.00 for everything to be safe... another thing to try is those mobile dent guys they fix dents on the car without touching paint its probably a option for the door. But you need a new fender.
Pic didn't work. I don't think you can link it directly from your email. Upload it to some image uploading website.