how much does it cost to switch verizon phones?


New member
Jul 19, 2008
my phone is not charging for some reason. i have a chocolate phone not being used. how much does it cost to go online and switch back to the phone i used before?
That's what I was wondering too...I can't find out anywhere how much it costs.
it costs $20 (well it did for mine anyway) just to make sure, when you call have them confirm the price.
i duno

well my friend gave me her old phone that she isn't using and she said i could switch it in my i was wondering how much it would cost if it would at all ...
someone told me it was $10 and sometimes they dont chare you but i dont know because that was a long time ago... i need to know tho
zaxx above me , it was only 100 cause you UPGRADED your phone , they already have a phone to switch to so its only 20$ to activate it