How much do you pay for a phone with a 2-year contract?


May 14, 2008
I had my phone stolen last month and I need to know what value I should put in for the restitution

The workers at the local AT&T shop tell me that the $199.99 that I paid when I first opened the 2-year contract is how much the phone is worth, despite the non-contract price of $599.99 (according to the Best Buy in the Galleria Mall)

I am confused, is what the worker said true? Or do I actually pay the $600.00 through the 2 years?
He did tell me that AT&T makes their money back during the first year and profits the second year.

Anyways, should I put down that the price of the phone stolen is $200.00 or $600.00? I don't want to steal from the "stealer" but I also don't want to be ripped off since I had to pay another $200.00 for a refurbished phone.

My phone is the Infuse 4G by Samsung
