How much credibility do cons have when they make predictions about the...


New member
Jun 15, 2008
...economy when a Dem vs Rep takes office? They're always saying the economy will crash if a Democrat takes office and that it will boom if a Republican takes office.

When Bill Clinton ran for president, cons made the prediction that the economy would crash if he won. President Clinton's time in office saw the largest peacetime economic expansion in history, and left the country with a record budget surplus. The Dow rose from 2,700 to 10,700, and working family incomes increased an average of $7,500 during his 8 years.

In 2000, when bush ran for office, cons predicted the economy would soar if he won. Today, America is seeing record home foreclosures. Bush has doubled the national debt from $4.5 trillion to $10 trillion and brought a record budget deficits. The US dollar is worth less than the Canadian dollar. Oil has skyrocketed from $25/barrel to $115/barrel. The Dow has risen from 10,700 to only 11,200 today (and when taking inflation into account, it has fallen). Working family incomes have fallen an average of $2,000 in bush's 8 years.

So when you hear cons make their claims about how Obama's economic policies won't work, they're not exactly experts with a proven track record, are they? They're not exactly known for making accurate predictions, are they?