How many eat at Taco Bell?


Jun 4, 2008
They have a burrito that is called Potato loaded with bacon and nacho cheese it is the BOMB

are you hooked like I am on it?
I live close to the Mexican border and so tacos are regular food. I did stop there and grab a couple of tacos the other day but anything with canned cheese is just plain awful. I also don't eat flour tortillas. They are terrible for you and topped with bacon and cheese is an instant heart attack.
wow, I usually only eat yams instead of the white potato---trying every trick to lose weight but still way too heavy. I'll tell you something kind of fattening that I like a lot with potato and bacon in it (as long as you mentioned it). It's the Marie Callendar's Chicken corn chowder pie. I buy that at Raley's. But normally I eat like yams with creamed tuna or with salmon, and lots of salads. Don't know when I've been to Taco Bell. There is another Mexican Restaurant called "Chevy's" that my kids love and went there with Jon and Bonnie when they were here a year ago. Actually, I think it's the best. The best food, atmosphere, everything. Don't remember what I ordered though, but it was delicious.