How many DVD's can you have out at a time with Netflix?


Apr 19, 2008
I cancled my netflix membership 2 weeks ago and now im going to rejoin. I use to have 3 dvds out at a time and i couldve upgraded to 4, but when i selected my new plan i was only given the option for streaming (only) and 1 dvd out at a time! did they change the limit? now its only one at a time?! go to their FAQ, it says only 1 at a time. does anyone know anything about this, will it change (hopefully).

Should i get Blockbuster instead, does blockbuste have instant streaming like netflix?
Yes they did change it, and yes they will be changing it. But to streaming only. I believe they released the statement last week sometime about how they are going to switch and have NO DVD's at all.

I have no idea if blockbuster does instant.