How many Believers in Jah, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit ( 2 Cor 13:14) been banned

Nov 19, 2008
from public places? below? Been banned from Public Places for simply speaking the truth of God, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit and your faith, where other people are actually breaking their own laws in America. Remember Lord Jesus Christ tolld us in Mark 16:15 Go ye out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And the Americvan Constitution of United States of America states Freedom or speach rights, and freedom of religion rights also. How many are NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST? Please also read Luke 9:23-27; Mark 8:34-38; Matthew 10 & 16 where Jesus Christ said if you are ashamed of Me and of My words before man I shall be ashamed of him, before the Holy Angels and My Father in Heaven? Do you want Jesus Christ to be ashamed of you? I do not.
Thank you for all honest, and Peaceful answers Proverbs 16:7 If a mans ways are pleasing unto the Lord He makes even Hid enemies to be at peace with him.
Hallejulah Praise Lord Jesus Christ Forever Hebrews 13:8