How long would it take to start taking on amatuer MMA fights with no


Jul 21, 2008
Anybody can compete in Amateur MMA fights right away, even if you don't have any MMA training at all.

Odds are that you'll get hurt....... badly.

Now, to be SUCCESFUL it could take years, or at least to perform decently (not to be humilliated), you need to train for at least 6 months to a year, depending on how fast you learn.

How much you can bench press, or how fast you can run the mile is irrelevant in the octagon/ring.
combat sports background? I am curious as to how long it would take an above average athlete(say someone who played a sport at a small college) to realistically compete in amatuer MMA with no background in boxing, wrestling, muy thai, or ju-jitsu. I realize that it's an insanely tough sport with grueling training. How long would the technical aspect of the sport take if someone could already handle relatively high level conditioning and was in decent shape? I'll define decent shape as (just for a simple guideline, I realize many factors decide a persons fitness level) someone who can max bench 20% more than their own weight and run a personal best 7 minute mile.
it all depends on how well you pick up the techniques of the skill you decide to go with you can maybe start amateur after like 2 years of training if you pick it up really fast maybe a year