How long should it take to encode a 10 minute PC video game file using Xvid


New member
Aug 6, 2011
and Virtualdub? I've been recording myself playing a certain Alpha of a video game so I can show my friends and post on youtube when the NDA gets lifted. This is my first time ever really encoding anything and I'm wondering if the time it takes is normal. I'm using fraps to record at 60fps and 1920x1080 resolution. A 10 minute game ends up being close to six 4Gb avi files.

I'm using Virtualdub to stitch them together and compress the video to a reasonable size using the Xvid codec. I set the target quantifier to 3.5(I've set it at 9 but started to see a quality drop off and it still took about the same amount of time) and it takes around 35 to 40 minutes to encode just the 10 minute long video- about 8-10 rendering fps. My PC has a watercooled i7 2600k overclocked to 4.2Ghz. Should it be taking this long for these videos to encode?