how long does it take to advance belts in karate?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
i know there are many different forms of karate and i just started a wile ago so im still a wite belt. i no it doesnt happen soon but i was kinda surprised to hear someone say that it takes like 2 years to get a yellow belt? is that really true? i just wanted to know the general time it might take someone to work their way up because i have to go to college soon so im trying to adjust everything to that...
Depends on where you take your lessons. There are several schools in my area that are like belt factories and they promote very fast and don't care about what you learn so long as you pay, however there are quality schools out there where you will learn a lot and progress steadily (not out of obligation but out of improvement) you just have to shop around. My school is on about 3 mo. for most beginner and intermediate belts but advanced belts take longer, as they should.
That all depends on three things.....

Your sensei/dojo/organization.... and what their standards are. Some have a time requirement AND then your skill level, and some are just your skill level. Also, the standards very greatly depending on the sensei.

Yourself.... how hard you train, how often you train, and your natural skill (do you pick it up quickly or struggle).

Your belt system.... how many belts your style has. If there is only 4 belts it will take a long time between belts. If there is 8 then the time is only half as long obviously.

But no to answer your will not take you 2 years to get your yellow belt. Unless you train like once a month or something. But if you train at a regular rate then no, probably more like a few months.

Its just hard to tell... hard to put a time limit on it because of the things I mentioned. But I understand your issue, and although I agree with everyone else that the belt is unimportant and its about the journey...sometimes having a general time helps you put it in perspective.
For instance myself. I train in Shotokan. Testing for my purple belt Saturday actually... I really hope I can reach black belt before summer 2011 because thats when my sensei moves away and I graduate college and move away! But will it happen? Who knows... and I would take it even if I knew I couldn't make it in time because I love it. But it would be nice to know I have enough time lol.
if all you care about is the belt, go buy one. If you want to learn karate, then forget about the belts. best advice anyone can give you
in real life 3 to 4 hours of training you can take really get close to mastering in about year but since you only pay for an hour a class that pretty much drags it down to about year or 6
i also quit karate cause the place i went to it was all about fun and learning and kids it just wasn't for me so i took JKD and dont regret it
i took ta kwon do, it took me 5 years to get my black belt and 3 more years to get my second degree black belt. it all depends on what system and program and studio you are using. they all have different requirments.