How hypocritical is it for anti-HealthCare GOP Andy Harris whining about waiting...


New member
May 3, 2009
...28 days for Fed Health Plan? He ran/got elected on promising to repeal Health Care law. Now, he's irate over having to wait 28 days to get new coverage under the Federal Health Insurance program for Congress.
Rep.-elect Harris snagged in health care flap - Benefits question by Hopkins doctor surprises fellow freshmen.

During a briefing Monday on employee benefits for new congressmen, staff aides and family members, Harris wanted to know why he would have to wait a month for his new health insurance coverage to start.
Quote - "What am I suppose to do for Health Care coverage during those 28 days?" -

They are all a bunch of hypocrites. I love the ones that put down the nasty stimulus, yet were first in line to claim credit and cut the ribbon at projects funded by that very same stimulus in their states
On November 3rd of this year, I told my husband the circus has begun. GOP vs Tea Party.
This is gonna get good..
most people have to wait 3 to 6 months to get health insurance from their employer.
i think most people agree this man can go suck an egg.
Perhaps he will vote AGAINST repeal of the bill ??? All the people wanted was the same choices of coverage offered to Congress .
It is a non-issue. The huge debt and inflation are bigger concerns. I would ask Mr. Soros if you can blog about that.
I have never taken a new job where I had to sit and wait for healthcare benefits. This is a good example of what happens when you give responsibility for anything to the federal government.
I saw that. It's a really fascinating commentary on how some people truly don't understand how insurance works. After all, this guy is basically asking for the socialized health care that he was so strongly against because he'll be without coverage for 28 days. Hopefully its a good education for him about those who go without insurance in this economy.

To Shovel Ready--it happens all the time in the private sector. Don't let your personal priviledge make you think that your experience is norm.