How far out have you ever been?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Most see the celebrity coverage of Charlie Sheen the actor who is having some major issues going on.And the last I heard he was fired from his show.I hope he gets it together and realizes the possible bad endings that may occur for him and his career.

But no one is immune from this and many causes come into play in our lives that can throw us off.I have had experiences that I had a hard time handling and I am sure some here have also.I guess this is a rant but its a real issue that can affect anyone of us

So as the thread title is wrote how have some of you dealt with being out there and how did you pull yourself back to sanity. Or for some here may have never have fell off the normal accepted path but its not hard to do.All kinds of temptations with be available to you on your journey through life.

If you wish no need to reply just take an inner look at yourself and wonder can this happen to me.But stories would be really appreciated and may help someone down the road as to what helped you.

And may I say good luck to Charlie Sheen I hope that he can pull himself back from the abyss.Hes just one individual but we are all just one individual.
I've been fighting various demons for just over a decade and I still can't tell which side is winning. I'm on the more, shall we say, lethargic side than Mr Sheen, but I know what it's like to live in an unfriendly brain, and hope he gets his act together.
You don't need to thank me dude. Most of problems I should just deal with and sort myself out. Some folk here got real problems and till get by. I'm just a screw-up
Well it was a serious question and a bit personal so in my opinion a thanks was in order for the mere fact I did get a reply.Thanks again
Worst I've ever been is I had an episode where I was runing back and forth babbling nonsense and convinced I was going to die. It may have been something to with what I'd been sticking up my nose the week before though. I was a big fan of ketamine at the time.
Had some issues after Iraq. Mostly just angry at the whole damn world and I would nut someone just for cracking a joke I didn't find funny. Got through it with the support of my mates, my wife and the Legion. Which reminds me, go donate or I'll nut you:
Thanks for your service much respect to you fellow vet.

I have several friends dealing with PTSD and it is very hard for them.
Say if it's bad taste to inject a little humour and the mods can delete this post but...

That must be some wicked jumping ability you have there.

That said. I've mentioned a couple of times recently that I'm currently going through a pretty tough time for various reasons. One of those periods in life where there are so many issues and problems you can't see a way through.
Not a patch on what some of you guys have been through I'm sure.
They say martial arts should help with your everyday life but I'm not finding that so much at the moment.
Not sure what words to use, so I'll say it as I see it.

Stick in there friend.
Thanks man. I had it light compared to a lot of the guys. I think the hardest part is admitting there's a problem.
I put on my helmet and launched myself into a flying headbutt on more than one occasion. No, seriously.
Went through a pretty bad patch in my early teens that got pretty bad. Self harming and more. It actually embarrasses me to talk about it now because it all seems so trivial now and I'm a completely different person now.

Other than that, I spent about 3 years completely addicted to World of Warcraft. And I do mean ADDICTED. I lost a girlfriend, a job and more to it. Used to play itfrom about 17:30 in the evening till about 03:00 in the morning every weekday. Would play from about 12:00 noon till 03:00 on the weekends. Nothin was more important to me than being the first guild on the server to down raid bosses or get my ranking up in the PVP. Was absolutely crazy!