How far do you take your hobbies?


Feb 13, 2008
Thought this would brig up interesting convo.

How far do you take your hobbies/interests? Where is your limit set at?

To set the ball rolling I have a buddy who budgets £100 a week to live off. He tends to spend around £50 a week on some obscene item such as toy tanks, warhammer, helicopters etc.

I know a guy who for his sport pays about £800 every 6 months or so.

Finally I know somoene who eats/sleeps/lives movies. 700 DVDs and counting... . All their walls are covered in movie posters and all they do is watch movies. Yes it is sad, I don't think they have a limit

How far do you take your hobby?
Not that far.

Once you've bought a board and wetsuit or two, there's not that much more you can spend on surfing, unless you want to buy a ridiculous amount of pointless crap like quad fins.
Erm well airsoft costs me £20 a month to go £50 membership a Year a bottle of BBs costs around £7 i buy one every 2 months ermm A new Gun this year would cost me in the reigon of £200 or more depending on make or model If was doing one up over a period of time that could cost anywhere in the reigon of £300 to £1000 plus depending on what im playing with then theres kit which can cost what ever take for instance my combats £15 shirt £10 troussers £60 webbing Boots £40+ Then we get on to extras like Scopes lasers things like that but for another time oh and grandes cost me about £10 for 3 a month If you'd like to add that up be my guest or read bellow lol

Standard year not buying anything just paying for bullets grenades and costs come to a grand total of £1532 a year lol

if i add up buying new gun customising and everything Total = £2604

I have expensive tastes for 14 lol
Hmmmm, I've got a fifty quid karate gi, a hundred quid guitar, a twenty quid harmonica and I've had those for years. I haven't bought a full price DVD in years!
roughly, £200 martial arts kit, £700 cycling kit, £400 guitar kit, £300 for other minor hobby stuff and an overdraft that pushed my blood pressure sky high.
Ummm let me see:

The only regular thing I do is the gym at £3.30 a week. I collect DVDs and have around 180 which isn't really loads and that's been over several years.

I'm not tight really I just don't spend much (hence how I've reached £5k in savings ).
700 DVD's is absolutely nothing, I have maybe double that, but I haven't gone as far as papering the walls with movie posters and the like. I just like movies and DVD is a fantastic medium for TV shows.

However, I am a huge comic book geek with tens of thousands of issues (I kid you not), limited editions, signed ones (I have Kevin Smith, Frank Cho, Art Adams signed items to name just a few), variant covers, first prints, second prints, third prints, gold foil covers, etc. etc.

There was a time I used to spend about £30-40 each week and that doesn't include back issues I used to hunt for. However, thanks to lack of space and other commitments I've dialled it down and spend, maybe £30 a month, if that.
I'm talking about 700 DVDs in about a year or two...
I have a mate who went out with £80 in his wallet, came back with 42 pence and the next day at 10am he was still too drunk to walk up stairs
I spent £1500 in my Freshers week, which was 10 days long. I think I was pronounced dead by my flatmates like half a dozen times. I dont consider drinking a hobby, why trivialise it in such a manner, I consider it my raison d'etre
I windsurf. Windsurfing, whilst being very fun, is also very expensive. My board cost £500 second hand (they generally retail new for a grand). I have two sails, each costing about £300. Masts, booms and other various rig components add together for another £500 or so. Three wetsuits, again costing about £500 between them.

On the plus side, It'll all hopefully last for a fairly long time.
At one point I had about 25 boxes of comics... my collection was worth over $15K, so you can imagine how much was spent on purchasing all those comics.

My DnD collection of books is worth several hundred dollars.

And I own enough weapons to open an armoury, and enough DVDs to open my own video rental store.
I game, spend about 40 quid every two weeks on the combination of games, DVD's and comics, probably comes to a little bit more than that on average actually when I think about it, having said that, I don't really consider them hobbies as it's pretty much all required stuff for doing a PhD in comp sci.

Thinking about it, I guess that I spend mroe on hobbies than I do on food but thats thanks to my free food sense, like a spidey sense except for free food instead of danger.*

*I was bitten by a radioactive fifth year PhD student out of funding.