How far can an online relationship gets if both avoids future talks but r...


Jun 4, 2008
...always discussing each others life? I met my bf just online and were bound to meet each other later ds yr in my country. Hes an american and im a filipino. Ours is d most honest and harmonious relationship ever known or heard. I love him so much and im always vocal about it. I know he cares for me truly but im not sure as to what extent. Hes not d commitment type of a guy. But i can really feel he is serious about us. We avoid talking bout any future wc involves us both but everytime we talk,we talk about serious matters. Like d nature of his work and his passions,his daily routine and activities back in d US,my job and my family,my current situation,even d most insignificant details such as cutting my hair,etc.,.hes genuinely concern and is always asking about my future activity plans in phils,my work and living status,personal details,etc. But i always am wondering as to how serious our relationship cud get in d future or will there be any future for us? We dont discuss that topic and i always avoid that issue as well bcos i am kinda afraid that i migh hear something that i wont like. He is not vocal about his feelings for me either though on rare occassions,he told me i amimportant to him and he loves me and cares for me truly and thinking of me and talking to me always makes him happy. But those are very rare occassions indeed. Also,in d past,he asked me twice on different occassions how i felt about having kids and how many would i be wanting? But hes not d commitment nor d outspoken romantic type of a guy so im kinda confused sometimes.
Please help... I need comments and advises from experts and experienced ones out there.
First off, have you ever talked to him where you could see his face? Like skype, face time, etc? Anything like that?
If not, you might not even be talking to a "him" at all, or even an American.
If you've never actually met him in person, its kind of iffy. People can use fake pictures they find on the internet and make up things about where they live to fool you into thinking that they are someone they are not.
Its sad to think that this is true, but it is.
If you HAVE talked to him over some form of communication where you can see his face as he is talking, then that's a whole different story.
Unless one of you if willing/able to visit the other's home country, I don't really see how you can make this work, especially if you've never met face to face.
I personally think you would be better off just breaking it off and finding a nice guy around you where you live, one who you can actually see and be around and who will show you how much he Really does care about you.