How do you prove your ballet teacher tour ready for point, and how do you know?


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I am almost 14 years old and have been dancing for 5 years. I have had 2 years of ballet background. I know my ankles are strong,my core is strong,and I know I have decent posture. For me ballet is one of the only things I wan to grow in dance wise. My dream is to get onto point shoes. I wanted to ask my teacher about it but I don't want her to not think im ready and be like you cant do it...? How can I be sure im ready or how can I prove to my teacher I am?
Ask her like this. "Mrs (Insert name) I have been working really hard and I was wondering if I'm ready for pointe? If not, what can I do to be prepared and ready and how soon?"
It worked for me and it will tell your instructor that you have ambition.
Ask! It never hurts, all they can say is no! If you're a strong dancer with good ankles, you're probably ready! Who knows, if they say yes, you'll end up with a beautiful new pair of pointe shoes!