How do you console a grieving friend?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
My friend lost her mother last week and I admit, i'm never sure i'm saying the right thing...any advice? I feel a bit pathetic.

Cheers all...
C= oh dear, I do keep trying to make her laugh, I told you I was no good at this! Thanks for the advice
??T-C-B 2Redtart - thanks..i've never had this happen before
Seriously, thanks everyone..very good advice
just say you are so sorry and maybe send a card. if it is a close friend, let her know you are there if she needs you and call her more often just to see how she is doing, maybe invite her out (not right away) to help her mind and focus on other things ...
All you really need to do is just let her know you are there for her whatever she may need.
Just be there for her, talk to her. A nice card or a hug would be nice. I usually gently ask questions, having been there. Talking is good for working through grief and shifts the focus from the loss to remember their life and love. But, tread lightly, because if she isn't ready to talk you should just give her space.
Don't feel pathetic, it's always awkward when you feel bad for someone. It's cool that you're trying to help her out, she will appreciate it.
be there for them whenever, because its not the words that people say its the being there that counts. Having lost my other half, peoples platitudes like, time is a healer just got on my nerves.