How do you argue a responsibility?


New member
Dec 13, 2010
I currently have a synthesis essay assignment and I have absolutely no clue how to answer the prompt. The assignment it:

"Prioritize and evaluate the most important responsibilities a country has towards its soldiers before, during, and after war."

My teacher tells me that this is supposed to be an argumentative essay, but I have no idea how or what to argue. If I identify a responsibility, should I argue why the person/group I identified has that responsibility? Should I argue why that responsibility is important? Why the aforementioned responsibility is a responsibility and not something optional? Why it is more important than other responsibilities? How that responsibility can be fulfilled? How fulfilling it helps soldiers before during or after war?

I have absolutely no idea what to say here.
How to Write an Argument Essay

Those responsible for ordering our forces to war must be prepared to fully support and assist them when they are injured
It is the nation's responsibility to take care of its soldiers and the moral responsibility of the inhabitants of the county to realize the value of their service to the nation.

Interesting question to read ...what resposibilities does a country have towards it soldiers.

A lot fo our wars aren't thought on home soil, so whether this effects the soldiers initial motion of wanting to fight for his country

& when you say his country, do you mean the way people in the society respect this soldier while he's doing his job, Or the government that rules that country & what they can do for the soldier,

I suppose both have equal standing in your case, but in some case's if you have no standing in society before you went to war, where are you suppose to return to after that war, neither government or society could have responsibilty for you.