How do I tell my future sister in-law I have already picked my wedding


New member
Mar 13, 2011
date, and not to pick one near it? My brother just got engaged. My boyfriend and I have already started wedding planning, yes him too. We have a ring picked out, he was just paying his college tuition first. I am expecting the ring anytime as tuition is paid off now. We have decided on a date, but since we aren't officially engaged only our parents and close friends know. I just don't want her to choose the same date or a date right near because I want my own time to be a bride without sharing with a sibling, as I'm sure she would too. I just don't know how to tell her since I am not officially engaged and she is now. I also don't want to wait and see what date she picks because, if she does pick the same one, then I will have a problem. What do you think I should do?
My brother lives 3 states away and is 6 years older than me. We get along but really don't talk much.